APPENDIX B: Resources: CodeBuilder Application

Resources: CodeBuilder Application

The CodeBuilder application includes several resources that define important configuration values and options. The resources listed below may be viewed and changed with ResEdit, to customize CodeBuilder operation to your circumstances. Changing undocumented CodeBuilder resources may result in unexpected failures.


The 'DMOD' resource, ID -8192, specifies the default UNIX access privilege modes for Macintosh folders. The default mode of 777 (Octal) permits read, write, and search permission by everyone. The default access modes assigned may be overridden using the CodeBuilder chmod(1) command. The default Macintosh folder owner and group is fixed by CodeBuilder at "root" and "wheel", respectively.

Note: When modifying the DMOD resource, use the hexidecimal number equivalent of the octal mode bits you wish to set, for example: enter mode "755" as $1ED.


The 'FMOD' resource, ID -8192, specifies the default UNIX access privilege modes for Macintosh files. The default mode of 777 (Octal) permits read, write and execute permission by everyone. The default access modes assigned may be overridden using the CodeBuilder chmod(1) command. The default Macintosh file owner and group is fixed by CodeBuilder at "root" and "wheel", respectively.

Note: When modifying the FMOD resource, use the hexidecimal number equivalent of the octal mode bits you wish to set, for example: enter mode "755" as $1ED.


The Luid resource controls which users are permitted to launch Macintosh applications from within CodeBuilder. The Luid resource has resource type of 'Luid' and a resource ID of -8192 (or 0xE000).

The Luid resource contains a variable length list of numeric uids. A uid is defined to be an "unsigned short". A ResEdit template for the Luid resource is included in CodeBuilder.

If the Luid resource does not exist or is empty, only the user root may launch Macintosh applications. Otherwise, each entry in the resource is compared to the uid of the current user to check for a match. If a match is found, that user is permitted to launch Macintosh applications. The uid 0xFFFF is a wildcard, which matches all users, allowing any user to launch applications. This is the default for CodeBuilder.


The 'ROOT' resource, ID -8192, names the FFS file which contains the CodeBuilder root file system. The name is first looked for in the folder from which CodeBuilder is launched. The default name is "CodeBuilder_FFS".

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